From death to life!
We support direct action to re establish the fundamental right of life to those who may otherwise die as a result of unacceptable discrimination.
We must listen and act quickly. We must always take heed of calls for help, voiced or un- voiced, single or multiple, since each one is unique.
We must focus on the individual’s situation rather than the bigger picture. Those big human rights issues need to be championed by the population as a whole.
Each life is a promise made to all humanity: we must work to achieve this promise without passing judgement.
from certain death by
. persecution, torture, human violence
. the inevitable life-threatening yet curable diseases
. mental and physical exhaustion
. having no place in society- invisibility to others, and thence to oneself
. being abandoned when nearing the end of life in conditions unfit for humans
As long as such suffering exists, there is room for an organisation like ours.
to an entitlement to life where there is
. safety , both physical and mental
. basic dignity
. equal life expectancy with others from the same community
The right to life, as set out by a proliferation of texts outlining what constitutes the often theoretical freedom and rights of the individual, must be respected and enforced.
We provide support to local people working in the front line.
By bringing those responsible for causing suffering to justice, as far as is possible.
Of-course, it is impossible for us to do everything and to be everywhere, but it is far worse not to even try. Perhaps others can step in where we cannot.
We are limited in what we do by two main factors: available resources, and our partners’ constraints as and when a project is identified.
How we operate
Prime importance is given to supporting our partners by stimulating their creativity and encouraging their fighting spirit. We enable them to have a voice and provide them with funds.
We help to provide the link between the victim and their means of rescue.
Through hard work, pure and simple.
By saving, safeguarding one life at a time….
Once we have ensured that the individual we are helping is no longer at risk, we move on to the next person. Other organisations working in ‘development’ are, or would like to think that they are, more experienced and better equipped to deal with the individual from this point on.
Bearing witness: depending on the circumstances, we conduct inquiries and support awareness campaigns.
We work within a very strict budget, keep audited accounts and keep running costs down to the bare minimum.
We are permanently evaluating our projects and use of resources.
We do not discriminate against race, political or religious beliefs.
Who we work with.
Our partners. Often social workers, medically qualified people, human rights activists, courageous civilians.
People involved in saving lives at grass-roots level, whether working alone or as part of a group, officially recognised or not. They must be of proven integrity in all cases. We ensure that they have financial help, and or technical support, depending on their need and our limited resources.
The power of trust
Partners for whom money is a problem, but who can prove to our satisfaction that a small sum will really make a difference.
Where we work.
We are non-exclusive but do tend to work in the poorest countries.
Funding and Resources
Members’ fees, which are entirely at the discretion of the individual, help to pay for the basic running costs of Vivere, wages, transport, communication, etc. These costs are kept to the absolute minimum and make up a modest proportion of the funds collected for the various projects.
Grants and sponsorship.
Ideally, donations are renewed on a regular basis so that funds are available for whichever project is of highest priority. No donation is too small- every franc, pound, dollar counts.
We have a qualified and loyal core of volunteers.
Donated equipment, good deals, fund-raising activities all make our money go further.
We do not hold onto the donations we receive but are fully accountable and redistribute funds promptly.
The people we help are by no means beholden to their ‘rescuers’, nor are our partners beholden to those who finance them.
Our annual accounts are assessed and approved by an independent auditor.