ACMEJ, Tulizeni, Syria, Abolition

Dear Members and Friends,

1 ° South and North Kivu, R.D.Congo

– Urgent relief: on 24th July armed men related to Mai-Mai fighters, in collusion with Burundians armed from Kiryama, raided the village of Kitembo in search of Peter Byagolo, activist of our local partner the association ACMEJ. They try to attack the life of this young man to prevent him from continuing his investigation of crimes committed in the region.

On August 8th, after unsuccessfully knocking on other doors, ACMEJ seized us with the urgent demand to protect Peter. The next day, August 9th, we sent $ 500- (CHF 497) allowing him to keep at distance for his protection during a month.

Since its creation Vivere wants to be easily accessible, and quickly reactive, in case of such urgency. In our work contexts a human life can be saved, or lost, for a matter of a few hours more or less, when just a relatively small amount is required.

– Testimony:


As announced in the previous
Newletters, Georgette Tshibang
was among us in Lausanne to
share the evening of August 8th
to which about fifteen participants
came to exchange with her.

As a reminder, her Tulizeni center
in Goma ensures the protection
of 93 unaccompanied children
and 6 young single mothers with
their babies. Tulizeni also
accompanies for their
rehabilitation more than 200
displaced women who were
victims of violence.

A filmed interview was made.
As soon as the document will be finalized we will communicate it to you.


2 °Syria

Liberation of women and girls unjustly imprisoned: our lawyer and friend on the spot obtained the liberation of Ikram on July 23rd after ten long months of procedure.

Having fled Idlib at the height
of the fighting, and despite her
high level of education, Ikram
had been reduced to become the
second wife of a man already
married with children. This man
told Ikram to change a $ 100 bill
into Syrian pounds in order to pay
the rent. In fact, and without the
knowledge of the victim, the ticket
was a forgery which led to the young
woman being thrown in prison in
November 2017 while her husband, a proven smuggler, fled abroad
abandoning her to her sad fate.

Since the beginning of our action in this field Vivere-Syria has obtained the release of thirteen women. At present we still have four cases in the course of oral argument, including that of Nadia, who was recently on the verge of being widened but whose husband has just been charged with terrorism, thus obliterating at once all the work previously done to constitute the innocence of the young woman.

Given the commitment and the voluntarism of the two young lawyers who have the courage to collaborate with us, the average cost per case completed is reduced to CHF 126 (€ 110). We once again thank the Sentinelles Foundation for allowing Vivere to pay for these expenses.

When we know the dangers faced by internees in the prisons of the Damascus regime, it seemed to us very early on to be essential to defend the most vulnerable, girls and women unjustly imprisoned. Illustrating this danger is this edifying report from the RTS: “Syria has quietly officialized the deaths of hundreds of detainees”, -discretement formalizes-the-death-of-hundreds-de prisoners? id = 9766808 & resort = a9e7621504c6959e35c3ecbe7f6bed0446cdf8da

Nutritional supplements for babies: the Vivere-Syria team addresses this narration:

The story of Ghalia:

“Looking at Ghalia’s eyes is reading
a story of pain!

Looking at the eyes and hands of her
sister and her brother, is reading a
story of humanity, solidarity, and

Ghalia, a baby of one and a half
years old, was born with a fragile
health and nutrition problems.
She is the third child of a family
emigrated from Damascus, because
of the war, to live, in L …, in a
modest rented house.

The dad has several small jobs:
taxi driver, construction work,
and others, to be able to provide
for the needs of his family: rent,
food, clothes, school, milk, diapers …

As for the mother, she takes care of
house chores, of her children, and,
above all, of her little Ghalia..

Any help for this family helps to
relieve the hardness of their lives,
and most importantly, the help for
milk is so precious to little Ghalia.
Thanks to all the friends of Vivere for their generous and supportive donations. “

3 ° Campaign for the abolition of the death penalty and life imprisonment of children

On 22nd June 2019 at the International School of Lausanne, a contradictory debate was held on the death penalty applicable to minors (at the time of the charges against them), as part of a pedagogical week on human rights. Responsible in Vivere for this action, Bernard was present. Teachers and students shared roles to confront the arguments. The “actors” (teachers and students) made a real effort to search for documentation and arguments to express much more credible  analyses than at a saloon bar. The students were not the least virulent in promoting the idea that the notion of sovereignty of a country does not allow in any case to contradict, in the penal practice, the human rights norms and international standards, that these same States have negotiated, adopted, signed and ratified.

We remind you of the petition that Vivere promotes on applicable to minors and we thank you kindly to spread it to a maximum of people among your contacts.

Iran :

According to the “Iran Human Rights Monitor” (June 27, 2018): “The Iranian justice” proceeded on June 27, in the prison of Qom, with the execution by hanging of Abofazi Chezani Shahari. Pursued for the deadly assault of a young man in September 2014, he was 14 years old at the time of the crime. Despite all the appeals and numerous appeals from child rights organizations, including Amnesty International, he was sentenced to death on the basis of Article 147 of the Islamic Penal Code setting the age of “mental maturity” “at 14 years and six months, (and at the age of 8 years and 6 months for girls…). In view of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Articles 6 and 37), ratified by the Islamic Republic of Iran, this execution is a forfeit (“a crime committed by a public official in the exercise of his function “). Iran will have to comply one day with the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, stipulating (Article 27) that a State “may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for the non-execution of ‘a treaty”.

With our consideration and warm regards,

The Vivere Committee

Vivere  7, av d’Yverdon  C.H.1004  Lausanne           CCP 17 – 709 738 – 6

Prix des droits de l’homme de la République française, mention spéciale, 2007                                        membre de la FEDEVACO

association à but non lucratif régie par les articles 60 et suivants du code civil suisse, politiquement et confessionnellement indépendante

reconnue d’utilité publique

Rectangle : coins arrondis: Depuis sa création en 1999 Vivere est mû uniquement par des bénévoles. Sans coûteux dispositifs pour la recherche de fonds ou le marketing, sans salaires ni loyers à supporter, nos frais de fonctionnement sont à moins de 2%. Cette gestion spartiate du mouvement n'est possible que grâce à votre solidarité.